Tuesday 8 January 2013


alhamdulillah, hari ini berjalan dengan lancar. budak2 lab sambut birthday aku dengan kek di atas n lap blanket sebagai hadiah, n special present dari sacchan...  ありがとう!!!

Dila lipus wished me too. thank you darling...muah3..

and i got this song from Ain... sepa yang birthday ari ni jugak, i also want to give you this. hope you enjoy it..

this song is seriously cute. and if my future husband gives me this, i think i will love him too death that year. hahahaha
seriously, i will love him..

for all the wishers, thank you..

wish for this year...
1.may this year brings me one step forward to ALLAH or more steps
2. may me and family stay healthy and in ALLAH's watching
3. may i get scholarship for master
4. may i have my bie once for all... hahaha( yang ni gatal jak...)
5. may all my beloved stay happy and smile always..
6. may ALLAH give you my friends all the wishes you ask
7. ok yang ni last... YA ALLAH, hope my wishes for this year comes true.


bie, i still waiting for your wish and present...


  1. happy birthday oshn! -blue-

  2. Moga Allah s.w.t senantiasa memberikan Taufik Rahmat Berkat, Lindungan & Keselamatan, Rezeki & Hidayah Serta RedhaNya

    Semoga dgn bertambahnya usia menjadikan kamu insan yg mulia, semakin disayang Allah & menyayangi Allah, semakin umurnya berkat, pahalanya bertambah, segala urusan dipermudahkan Allah........ Amin...


    1. amin
      tenkiu herwana.. hrp kita jumpa bila2. rindu la mau jmpa ko...
