Tuesday, 16 February 2010

reality in the dreams

love and friendship, which one would you choose?
there's no such thing as giving up in my dictionary

can you remember where you can heard this words? its in boys before flowers, very un, urm un forgetable( ada ka word ni??) story in 2009..

every woman wants love story like in this drama, strong heart man which still searching for his love, wandering but finally when he found you, only you!!! that he will see...

every one has their own opinion when came to this topic, friend or love. and people will make their neurons sick because of the thinking action they took to find the answer. why people should choose???

can we have both, since its 2 things that serious important in our life????

but i think right now, the most worst thing is when people ask to choose between love and family... ha3. kenapa mau pilih benda macam ni???

people who have to choose will be blamed because of what he will choose, selfish, cant be trusted, dont love family or friend or lover, etc.

but cant you think that the one who ask the question is the selfish and all the blame that you may think one??????

so, moral of the story: never ever be the one who asking this silly stupid question.. cant you be the one who support your partner in no matter happen????

Khas Untuk Wanita~ ANAK

entry ni tuk promo 1 cerita korea yg baru jak main.. tajuk dia obstetrics and gynecology doctors. serius memang best dan bagi begitu banyak kesedaran rohani..

cerita ni bukan berunsurkan keagamaan, so bukan macam ursah, 100% tentang agama. ( n mana da cerita korea yg tentang agama... ada pun komfem bukan tenatng islam kan??)

tapi dalam dunia ni, even bukan dari orang islam, ada banyak benda baik pasal aspek2 rohaniah yg sepatutnya kita sedar boleh dapat dari view orang2 baik yg bukan beragama islam. kan??

cerita ni, awal2 episode lagi aku sudah nangis.. maybe dia tentang baby yg sangat suci.. just see them makes my heart full with tears. for both happiness and sadness.

of coz la cerita ni ada cinta2 tapi selain dari itu, ada lagi aspek lain yg harus kita tengok...

this show teach us about responsibility, trust, love, joy, sharing, secret, the hardness of life, reality of this society and bla2...

but for any reasons, any hardnesses, anything, i just don't think that we should abandon our baby.. the baby have their own right to choose to live, and have their own chance to choose it..

baby just so pure as they can... so dont blame them...

children without parents are gifted than children whose have parents but don't want to acknowledge them.. even to see the children.. please don't do that, children is luck!

so, bagi wanita2 yg inginkan anak(sepa yg nda mau kan???) boleh la tengok cerita ni..

Monday, 15 February 2010

feel it

there's so much things can be said when we are together
so why do we have to shout?
each word that have been said bring different meaning which may be hurt our heart
so why do we have to lie?
not only you and me but others will be effected by those memories
watching him just hurting his own heart with each step he take to handle it
brings itchy into my heart too
so why do you have to pretend to be strong?
can you trust me just enough to stay by your side when you need it the most?
not only precious time, but the hard moments
makes me feel belonging....

moral of the story: why don't we just be honest towards our own feeling? and trust yourself and others that important to you..

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

~JuST wANdeRiNG~

see him like recharging my point of view
on enjoying world
see them like recollecting my old self
on what's to believe

each heart has its own line
either shown or hidden
each eyes has its own story
neither told nor kept

lyrics and rhythms in abstract
brings deep meaning and thinking
reactions and movements in expression
brings feeling and emotion

is there a reason to love you?
no, i cant find it
just feel it...
when i see you

its just words to share when i was wandering about my own changing in express my true feeling. i already built a wall without even realize it ever happened. you'd became more heartless and unaware of other things than you. i hate it but i already became part of it. i can do nothing!

is it mean i am afraid? or heartbroken? i don't think so, just facing one of the hard hill of my life, when you yourself can't find your own heart... wandering, just to pass the times.

i'm on my most difficult part of handling brain. he started to pull the heart in making decisions, yet confusing on its own ability.

Monday, 8 February 2010

final exam~physical chemistry 1

exam last tuk sem ni.. setelah penat aku mencari jawapan tuk soalan2 yg mungkin keluar dalam exam., akhirnya dapat jugak aku jawab soalan2 dalam exam sebenar..

penat nya hujung minggu ni sebab exam ni jak..

Alhamdulillah,ALLAH buka mata dan hati dan akal untuk aku menjawab soalan,,,

Saturday, 6 February 2010

final exam~biology 2

saya yakin...


final exam~matrix

lupa mau buat. busy tengok shinee yg comel, terus lupa. he3

matrix macam besa, aku rasa boleh lulus jak. mun banar la, aku pun nada keyakinan mau cakap... hu3 kenapa la aku lupa mau kira macam mana..

subjek ni buat aku rasa 1 feel yg sangat membencikan..
"aku nda tau tapi aku nda tau mau buat macam mana supaya tau, so aku rilek jak.. nda nervous langsung mau exam, even tau aku mungkin nda dapat jawab... teda feel langsung, macam menyerah jak ni, tapi aku belajar juga."

moral of the story: fahamkan betul2 time kelas, nda tau tanya cigu terus~

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


p/s: kali ni post panjang.. kalu busan, ak rasa bek jangan baca..kali la~

aku tengok strong heart ep 2, talk show korea, n ada 1 cerita pasal kawan yang BRIAN cerita dalm ni yg buat ati aku tersentuh. aku nangis tau dengar dia cerita, even brian pun nangis cerita(tapi sebab mau tunjuk macho, nda la ia nampak nangis...)

brian cerita pasal duet dia,hwany yg dia sudah kawan 10 tahun.
ini berlaku 2 tahun yg lalu. selalunya kalu band ada masalah, mesti punca dari orang luar, bukan orang dalam band 2 sendiri. 2 tahun yg lalu, hubungan kami ok, makan sama2, main sama2 and etc. tiba2 1 ari, kawan baik hwany tanya, "hubungan ko dengan hwany ok ka?"
brian pun jawab "ok je.." tapi kawan baik 2 cakap hwany nda cakap macam 2 pun.
tapi sebab brian PERCAYA hwany as team member, dia buat bodoh jak la.. tapi ari2 makin selalu dengar benda2 macam 2. n brian pun start fikir,"dia tikam aku dari belakang ka??"
tapi mesti hwany pun dengar benda2 pelik macam ni dari kawan2 brian. macam brian cakap buruk pasal ko n etc. so, tiba2 1 ari ni hwany antar sms
"ko ati2 sikit dengan apa yg ko cakap!"
brian balas "kenapa??"
hwany cakap"he, jangan buat macam ko nda tau, tolong lah~"
n benda ni berlarutan, dengan nda jumpa langsung even dorang sedang buat recording. bayangkan buat recording lagu duet tapi record asing2????
n 1 ari, brian mabuk n cakap
"kalu ni berlarutan, 1 ari aku balik rumah dan bunuh diri...."
betapa depressed nya brian time 2...
***tengok sendiri la , baru feel. mana la tau aku salah cerita***

korang boleh bayang ka kawan yg sudah 10 tahun boleh hancur macam 2 hanya dengan orang cakap2, batu api la senang cakap.. so, sepatutnya suma orang harus percaya akan partner masing2, kawan ka lover ka suami isteri ka.. suma kena kuat basic dengan trust!!

moral of the story: make a trust between us~

tiba2 ingat akan kawan yg aku kawan cuma 2 bulan, tapi aku percaya dia sama macam aku percaya kawan2 perempuan aku yg aku kenal dari form 1. aku cerita suma kisah, masalah, happy story, suma yg aku cerita dengan my beloved best girlfriends, suma aku cerita dengan dia juga.. bayang nda betapa penting n percaya nya aku arah ia?

tapi 1 ari, suma jadi macam 2 bulan sebelum kenal dia, cuma perasaan dan suasana berbeza.
before: teda masalah perasaan, jumpa pun rasa macam batchmate, senyum pun ok jak. bila ada apa2 event yg buat sama2, senang jak, boleh ketawa sama2..cam kawan~
after: mau jumpa dia, ati aku rasa sangat sakit sampai dengar jak cerita pasal dia, air mata aku akan mengalir automaticly. aku berdoa setiap kali jangan 1 team dengan dia dalam apa2 jua event. tahan nangis dan selalunya aku akan menangis setiap kali budak2 ni cerita pasal kami. aku nda mampu mau tengok muka dia even limpas di corridor pun!!

bukan dia jak, tapi aku rasa kawan2 lelaki sekolah aku pun banarnya layan aku lain, senang sikit, layan aku macam aku ni teruk sangat. macam aku ni perempuan yg nda baik, memang sandi la kalu kawan dengan oshn ni.. macam 2 la aku rasa..

time raya 2, jumpa2 kawan2 lama n aku pun cakap la.
"lama nya nda jumpa kamu2 ni, dulu di kl pun nda dpt jumpa kamu selalu"
lepas 2 kawan lelaki aku cakap,...
"suriah, ko tau ka kenapa kita jarang jumpa? sebab kalu ko ada, kami nda mau keluar~"
lepas 2 suma durang ketawa. aku pun nda tau la benda 2 lawak ka nda, tapi aku memang mau nangis time dia cakap macam 2. tapi terpaksa la aku buat2 'jahat nya ko!!!'

1 benda yg aku betul2 mau tau dari kawan2 sekolah aku....
teruk sangat ka aku?